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Author: Tim Fulton

This Title Was Not Generated by AI

This podcast was not generated by AI. But it may have been influenced by it. As all industries consider how to use artificial intelligence in their work, Walker Evans, Susan Post, and I discuss how it relates to journalism, disclosure, and transparency. We cover Columbus Underground’s updated policy on the matter, how content generation should and should not be used in a newsroom, what AI thinks about the Columbus food scene, and a lively debate on the ethical challenges of how this new tool will affect our lives.

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Columbus’ Youngest Elected Official, Brandon Simmons

Big cities have big city problems. Columbus’s newest school board member argues that the inequity of our schools shows that we certainly are a big city. Brandon Simmons, also the youngest school board member ever elected, is on a mission to face the challenges of the district head-on. In an interview two days after his first board meeting, we discuss the challenges that the district faces, the power and importance of public education, and how he navigated the city’s political landscape to get into office.

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News in the New Year

As we ease into 2024, we’re taking a quick look back into some happenings that you may have missed as the year turned over. Columbus Underground co-founder and editor Walker Evans discusses a myriad of stories, including the latest in transportation, climate change, local politics, and a dash of comedy here in the capital city. 

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Year in Review

As 2023 draws to a close and we stand on the brink of a new year filled with its own stories and surprises, it’s a time for reflection. In our latest podcast episode, we delve into a retrospective journey, revisiting the moments that defined the year for us. Join Walker Evans, Susan Post, and myself as we engage in a lively discussion about the most impactful, intriguing, and talked-about local stories that have unfolded over the past 365 days.

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Taking Out the Trash with SWACO

Just in time for the holidays, we’re taking out the trash. Columbus Underground Co-Founder Walker Evans sat down with Joe Lombardi, the executive director of the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio or SWACO. They discussed the strategies they are putting in place for a sustainable future, practical tips on reducing waste, and ways to celebrate sustainably this holiday season.

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